SunFruit Chuchkhela

Discover the Churchkhela collection from SunFruit in Dubai: traditional Armenian delicacies with a natural base.

Fusion General Trading

Churchkhela with walnuts classic

Churchkhela with walnuts and grapes from Sunfruit is a delicious treat that I discovered while traveling through Georgia and Armenia.

AED 37.00
Fusion General Trading

Churchkhela assorted with nuts

Assorted Churchkhela with Nuts from Sunfruit is my choice for a delicacy inspired by my travels.

AED 44.00
Fusion General Trading

Churchkhela fruit balls from Sunfruit

Churchkhela fruit balls from Sunfruit are a delicious and colorful assortment of dried fruits and nuts, which became a discovery for me in Georgia and Armenia.

AED 49.00
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