Confectionery vanillin is the only “aristocratic” spice that comes from the orchid family (homeland - Mexico). Liana pods, rich in various aromatic substances, are used as a spice. Vanilla fruits are collected when they are still green; in this form they do not smell of vanilla and contain vanillin in the form of a glycoside. After harvesting, the fruits are kept for several months until a characteristic odor appears; small crystals of vanillin even appear on the pods. Vanilla is obtained from the pods through a process of long and complex processing, which is used in cooking.
Vanilla beans grow in the Caribbean, the tropics of South America, Ceylon, Malaysia, Madagascar and Reunion (50% of production), the Seychelles, Polynesia - Tahiti and Hawaii. Crystalline vanillin is produced in China, America and Canada, and Europe.
The taste of vanilla is pleasant, characteristically spicy. Crystalline vanillin has a pungent, bitter taste - so it is dissolved in water or alcohol, where it reveals its real magical aroma and taste, and added to the main dish or added at the stage of mixing dry ingredients (in flour, for example).
Vanilla and vanillin are used in the preparation of liqueurs and other drinks, dough products and sweets; this is the most popular and subtlest spice. Used in the preparation of fruit compotes, dairy dishes, cream, and cake creams. Vanilla is used to flavor the most expensive confectionery products. It is better to dilute crystalline vanillin in alcohol or vodka with sugar, and use the resulting syrup, or mix it with other dry ingredients (flour, sugar, from 1 to 10 g per 1 kg of dough) before heat treatment. Since vanillin from different manufacturers can impart flavor and aroma to varying degrees, it is recommended to first test the dosage on small quantities of the product.
Added to taste in compotes and liqueurs.
Vanillin is mainly used as a flavoring in sweets. Ice cream and chocolate production accounts for more than 75% of the vanillin market.
Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C and relative humidity not exceeding 75%.